Saturday, February 13, 2010

So Sue Me!

I never did get to post anything yesterday but, I have a perfectly valid excuse!

It is Hughesnet fault. "Mom" was griping all day long about "FAP", which seems to be something about "downloads" and then everything gets slow. She wouldn't even allow me near this thing. Good news is I finally got my own thing to tap, tap, tap on and now I play on it whenever I want.

I'm so pampered

Deservedly so. I have these humans around here so well trained, every other feline in the universe should be taking note! It's so easy, just suck up on occasion- look cute, act like they're they only living thing on the planet that exists, talk in a nice tone, don't yowl, sing. Oh, don't forget to pose on occasion and look good. Give them that "look" of "Oh, pet me, yes, pet me", close those eyes, s   l    o   w   l   y, then look them deeply in the eye, close them again, show 'em some belly.......

These types of behaviors will always get them to let their defenses down and they will let you off the hook when you really want to create a bit of havoc.

Oh, and another thing? When you sleep with YOUR human, don't be so needy! Snuggle, but don't lay all over them, touch them on the neck or face, but keep some distance. One thing that works every time is prepare them for beddy-bye! Act silly for a short time then, burrow under the blankets, curl right up against them and PURR. Yes, purring is important, it has that hypnotic effect on them. Trust me, they actually BELIEVE that purring is a reaction to their devotion they expound upon us. Works like a charm.

During the day, sleep- sleep as much as possible (this shouldn't be too difficult), look good when you sleep! Curl up, roll on your back, LOOK CUTE. Yeah, humans just fall for this stuff, literally drool all over themselves looking at us while we are sleeping. My mom never fails to get out her camera.

See what I mean? Like I said, Look cute.

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