Thursday, February 11, 2010

Adorable Baby

Found! My baby photos taken when I first arrived in my new home! My much adored human (she is so OWNED!) has this strange habit of sticking a camera in my face when I'm busy looking cute. I'm really good at it, too.

That mouse lives in the car. Which is something I'll get to in a minute.
This is what I look like now, my adored human took this the other day while I was busy lounging about (as usual).

My human mom really does love me and I bet you can see why! Now, onto the driving thing. From the day my mother and brother left for their new homes, my human mom started taking me out with her. She never bargained that I really do enjoy hanging around with her, no matter what she's doing, including her trips to town, work and other people's homes. I'm even satisfied waiting in the car (I now have a really cool carrier that has a heating unit in it!) Am I spoiled rotten or just spoiled?

I don't like to sit in any carrier UNLESS that door is open or I have that choice of getting out. I tend to make quite a bit of noise when I'm forced to ride in my carrier, unable to help direct with the route those damn humans take on our trips. I've been teaching them that I need to see where we are headed and help them navigate and watch out for those brainless deer. The humans are always discussing that I'm not truly safe riding out in the vehicle and sometimes they get paranoid and make me ride enclosed within the carrier, which I just have to accept at times. I get it and payback will come later.

I like to go with either my human mom or both of them so much, I figured out early on that if "mom" is putting on a particular coat and her nice, furry boots- it's time for a ride! Nope, she's NOT leaving without me! I have her trained so well, too. She learned right away, bring out my carrier and put it on the kitchen table, I'll get in without any fuss at all! She's so easy to teach. Smart human!

Oh, and that mouse? It lives in the car because one of the dogs that lives here deliberately TAKES MY THINGS and chews it up or disembowels it. He has his own toys, I guess mine are better because he won't leave them alone, so some of them stay in the car. In fact, I have a basket of toys in the car for my entertainment and the dog can't have them, neener neener!

She does tend to get a bit testy when I try and ride on the dash- she just doesn't get that I can truly navigate better that way- oh well, jumping on the back of the seat and getting on her shoulder suffices. She doesn't care for that, either.

Sometimes we go to the place where she works and I get to run up and down those aisles, play hide and seek, get on the counter and play with everything on it. There's a lot of neat things to play with in that place, too. The man in there is always trying to suck up to me, I just ignore the guy. He and his wife have a nice piano at their home and a feline lives there that is never happy to see me, but that's okay- they have a piano that is fun to make noise on. Nothing gets us out of their house faster than me playing that piano. "Mom" tends to talk too much and I have things to do, like sleep, in my own bed, in my own home. I do enjoy that store, I have to admit. One of these days, I'm going to investigate that basement that I'm not allowed to check out.... I just detest it when I'm told "no".

Time for me to get back to harassing the geriatric feline that lives here- I'm always getting in trouble for making her squawk. Geez, I really do need a playmate that I can play with and not get in trouble. Somehow, I doubt that's going to happen around here. I do keep "mom" busy enough. It's now bedtime, time to start bugging her to come to bed- besides, my litter box has something in it and needs cleaned out.

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